tantverk (lady work)
Book size: 106×142 mm. 128 pp. Size of box: 128x163x33 mm. Completed August 2022
This archival box contains the eight miniture books (size 35×45 mm) that I made in 2018-2019, called the Lady Books (Tantböckerna). Each tiny book represents a lady portrayed in short verses composed of words with only four letters. To complete the revisit of this project I made a new book Tantverk (Ladywork) where I assembled all eight verses, some of them substantially remade. I made a new set of images. And finally I made the box look like a final resting place for this project.
slutförvaringslåda (final disposal box)
Size of box: 166x174x50. Completed August 2021
In the box is The Caspian Sea Project from 2019 displayed in two trays. One contains the 16 insignificant objects found on the beach by the Caspian Sea in 1999. The other contains three note books and the final dissertation that I completed in June 2019.
On the lid is the story of the Project. I reflect on the meaning of it and the meaning of making a box for it two years later. In the process of manufacturing the box to contain the bits and pieces I realized the I had finally distanced myself from an academic frame of mind. The issue of insignificance that was very prominent at the time has not faded away completely. It has become integral in my creative work and I don’t feel a need to analyse it anymore.
pratminnen (chat memories)
Book size: 105×147 mm. 120 pp. Digital print (text and reproductions of sketches). Original drawings. Book and box Completed February 2021
The graphic mind maps that helped me compose the simple dialogues of the eight Chat books in 2018 inspired me to revisit this project. The drawings are included in the book Pratminnen that presents the Chat books in a new way. The method of drawing mind maps has been helpful in my practice and I am discussing it on the first and last twelve pages. The size of the original maps are A4 so I hade to cut and fold them to mak A6 – the size of the book. To give the reader an overview of the maps a reduced reproduction is fitted onto a spread. The dialogues of the eight small Chat books are presented in three columns on a single page each which makes them more accessible, but different from they sensuous experience of slowly turning the soft pages of the original books.
The gallery shows ten successive spreads, the box and one original miniature Chat book, size 33×43 mm.